How To Prevent Yourself From Different Attacks On Internet

How To Prevent Yourself From Different  Attacks On Internet

1. Phishing

Phishing is previous and evergreen offensive technique to steal guidance like passwords,credit card numbers etc.

With this attack, associate assailant creates a page that appears like original page, and create America to believe it's real.

If we have a tendency to cannot determine the distinction, we have a tendency to might enter our guidance.

How to protect ourselves from these types of attacks?

I know you are very familiar with this design.
Whenever we tend to see a page like this, our brain says its Gmail page. as a result of we tend to believe additional in visual stuff. actually this can be a faux page.

How To Prevent Yourself From Different  Attacks On Internet
A Fake page which looks like gmail page

Now let's see original Gmail.

How To Prevent Yourself From Different  Attacks On Internet

Now observe these 2 images very clearly.
Then Observed Zoomed image of original part url.

How To Prevent Yourself From Different  Attacks On Internet

Difference between these 2 pages is 

  • Protocol : http in fake page, https in original page.
  • SSL (lock symbol before https) in original page, which is not there in fake page.
  • Correct domain name in address bar i.e in original page where fake page will have some other domain.
 I Hope You will not enter your passwords in a fake page from now. 

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